Store Brand vs. Name Brand

Yup - I'm shaken it up!

I was once a very brand loyal consumer, on some products I still am. However, the low cost of my new favorite store ALDI and some significant price differences I've noticed between other store brands and name brands, I honestly wondered if I was wasting money (even with a coupon and ad matching).

At first I googled, then I googled some more and to my surprise I couldn't find a site or a blog that truly compared the taste and quality of name brand products with store brand. So here we go!!!

As I try new products and move out of my comfort zone, I will post reviews here for quick reference by store. Take out of them what you will. I will always note the cost of each item that I have paid recently...please note that I am in Texas, prices vary regionally and fluctuate per store.

For stores I currently shop at and products I simply can't live without visit my Products I Love page.

Happy Shopping!


Natures Nectar vs. Welch's Grape Juice   - 1/15/2013 - 4 out of 5 Stars

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