Green & Cheap Cleaning

Personally, I feel we all have a responsibility to the environment we live in. Meaning, if I can avoid products that will harm the environment I will. Sounds pricey right?

Well, I'll admit, I was one of those that bought all the fancy earth friendly products, in some cases significantly over priced, cleaning products. As a matter of fact, I still use one that I love from Method but it's becoming increasingly hard to find so I find myself ordering it from Amazon. You can view it  under my Products I Love's pure awesomeness and falls into the cheaper category of such mass produced products.

I can't begin to tell you how much money I've saved over the years making my own cleaning supplies. Trust me when I say I've tried them all! Does this mean I won't buy laundry detergent? Yes, for the most part. I've bought it once in 3 years and it was tide on clearance for nearly 75% at Target and I had a coupon. Yes, I was one of those women buying all they had left and getting the crazy stares from the all the other shoppers wondering if I'd gone nuts or was doing laundry for a NFL team!

I very much try to link all my post here that relate to cleaning and cleaning supply recipes but can sometimes forget. If you're looking for something that you don't see here and can't find via search on my page, email me and I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have!

Happy Cleaning!

Produce Cleaner - Chemical Safe and Cheap

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